Career Coaching Services


It’s time for you to be supported. At UpLevel To Lead, I’m here to offer you a hand in the complicated job market. With years of experience in career services and leadership coaching, I dedicate my time to helping people like you take the next steps they need to follow their dreams. 

Whether you’re ready to jump into your career growth with cover letter writing or you’re considering group career counseling, BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION to get started.








At every stage of my career coaching services, your health and happiness are my main focus. I take the time to understand not only what you bring to the table, but what you need to get in return to thrive. Together, we can set you up for success, whether that’s finding the work that fuels your fire or a company culture that nourishes your soul.

If you’re interested in getting the support you need to UpLevel your career, schedule your free career services consultation with me today. Driven by compassion and a love for helping others experience career growth, find meaningful work, and thrive, I work to make sure you are always moving forward.

Whether or not you choose to work with me, I promise you’ll walk away from your free career services consultation with new tools to help you meet your professional goals.

Book a consultation today to learn more about how my career coaching services support your long-term happiness. Not ready to invest in yourself? Contact me to learn more about my group career counseling options.

Even mother nature needs help sometimes...

Is It Time for a Career Pivot?

Are you tired, bored, and looking to make a change?

Do you have a 5 or 10-year goal in mind, but see no route to get there?

Is the job search overwhelming and frustrating?

Are you burned out and unsure how to fix it?

As children we are taught to follow the yellow brick road. It is okay to wake up one day and ask yourself "why?" Or would another choice better serve me?

I’ve been where you are. I’ve reinvented myself four times over the course of over 2 decades. 

Over the course of my career, I’ve been a pharmacist, a manager, a marketer, a supervisor, and more.

I’ll let you in on a secret. No matter how many times you transition from one job to the next, try to climb the ladder, or reach survival mode, it doesn’t get any easier. 

Whether you need leadership coaching to take that next step or you’re working toward your dream job, it’s easy to start energized and burn out fast. (Thinking about updating our LinkedIn profile can drain the best of us!)

Job searches and career development are a marathon, and I am there for you at every aid station offering water, food, kind words, and inspiration to make it to the next aid station until you cross the finish line. 

Modern Solutions for Modern Problems

Are you struggling to connect with local career coaches?

Do you have a busy schedule?

Would Zoom appointments make it easier for you to connect with your career coach? 

That’s why I work to make my career services and leadership coaching services as accessible as possible. From your free consultation to your ongoing coaching sessions, you can easily schedule your Zoom appointment with me.

Any time of the day or night, you can find and book a time that works for you! I keep morning, lunch, and evening sessions open for clients in need of everything from career coaching to LinkedIn profile development, and cover letter and resume writing services.

Whether you’re interested in career development or UpLeveling your leadership skills, I’m here to help you take your next steps with bespoke career coaching services. 

If you aren’t sure about one-on-one career development, group career counseling might be a better option for you.

Are you ready to invest in your future? Contact me today for your free consultation.

Intuitive Empath Career Coach - Jill Hunter, RPh, MBA

Let's meet on Zoom and you can step right into my office.

Four Reasons to Work With Me

1 - You’re overwhelmed by the job market. Maybe, you’ve been in your role for so long that you haven’t seen a job notification on your smartwatch…

If you’ve worked for the same company for years, entering today’s fast-paced and competitive job market feels like navigating a foreign country without a map.

It certainly is not circling an ad in the Sunday newspaper and calling a number on Monday morning anymore. (Anyone else get their first jobs this way?)

With years of experience in the job market and working as a hiring manager and career coach, I can help you plot a course. I’m here to support you as you navigate the market and help you identify your priorities, so you find the position you need to thrive. (Ask me about how my LinkedIn profile, cover letter and resume writing services can help you land an interview!)

2 - You’re feeling overworked, burned-out, and underappreciated. 

I feel your pain. Mismanagement and poor leadership can leave you frantically trying to meet hopelessly high expectations. You work harder and harder, only to feel like you can’t get anywhere. Worse yet, the “hussle” culture is convincing everyone, bosses and workers alike, that being overworked is the norm. 

Moving from one job to the next will only help if the company culture is different. With interview training, I can teach you how to use your natural empathic ability to spot the bosses you want and the ones you want to avoid. We can work to rebuild your confidence and set you up to UpLevel into a position that serves you.

3 -You are an empath or intuitive person who feels alone. Are you a misfit and not good at your job because you are heart-centered?  

Corporate America tells empathic managers that they are “too close to their teams.” Or that you are “too soft”. There is nothing wrong with you. You are simply no longer a fit in your current company or department. 

The answer is not to change who you are. The answer is to find a company who appreciates the compassionate side of you and wants you to support a great culture or turn around a negative situation. 

I will help you figure out this fit in the interview process. There is no need to blindly change jobs. Let’s figure out the truth before you sign on the dotted line.

4 -You’ve lost interest in your industry, field, or job or you’ve lost your inspiration and motivation. Changing things up completely is the right answer, but you don’t know where to start, and you’re afraid to fail.

We’re given this idea that we’ll go to school, get a job, and work our way up the ladders in our field. When it doesn’t work out that way, it’s all but treated as a personal failure.

Part of career development is understanding that you’re changing. You aren’t who you were when you found your last job, and you’ll be someone else by the time you get your next promotion. I’m here to support you in exploring and understanding your needs so you can find meaning in your work.

I’ve had my fair share of career growth and pivots. (You can learn more about my team and I here.) As a career coach, I’ve supported clients who wanted fewer responsibilities, new industries, and even completely new job titles. With my career transition services, I can help you reconnect with your passion and find a fulfilling career.

1:1 Coaching, Team Support

I’m proud to work with a fantastic team of empathic professionals to provide LinkedIn profile, cover letter and resume writing services, interview preparation and negotiating job offers, career and leadership coaching, and more.

I set the strategy and direction for clients and their individual campaigns, handle all of the career coaching services, and you can expect 99% of your interaction to be with me directly. 

Behind the scenes, my team makes the magic happen. From handling the early stages of resume writing services to administrative tasks, they support me so I can stay face-to-face with clients for the majority of my week. 

My team is all about execution, and I’m here for you. I spent years of my career in operations worrying about the details. Now I get to do what I love each day: help people achieve their dreams.

My team of 2 VAs and 3 writers creates the magic for you.

My team includes a VA and 2 writers help me create the magic for you.

A People-Centered Approach to Career Coaching Services

I have been an empath all my life, but I only recently came to the realization (only in the past 5 years!). It explains so much of my life!

I now know why I cry more than the mother of the bride at weddings.

I now know why I could walk into a meeting at work and know when bad news was going to be delivered. 

The pandemic helped me be able to hone this ability through video and not just in person. I have also made huge strides in being able to harness this superpower to benefit my clients.

I help them reduce their anxiety before interviews. I teach you how to use your human lie detector skills when interviewing, so you find the type of boss you want to work for.

I see you as a combination of who you are and who you could be. Sometimes we need someone to believe in us so we can prove to ourselves that we can do it. Let me be that person. I believe in you already. 

Schedule your free consultation today to get started.